Card or Cash: Which is Better for Your Bank?

One of the most important things that you can do for your family is save money. Money makes the world go round and it’s essential to have some set aside for costly expenses like university, weddings, home improvements, vehicles or emergency situations. There are many ways to do this, but it can be difficult to get started. You already have monthly obligations that you need to pay, so here are some strategies to find a little extra money to build your nest egg.
Document Daily Spending
The first thing you should do is detail where your money is spent. After you have done this, you may notice situations in which impulse purchases take place. Go through the list carefully and check off the payments you made that were absolutely necessary. Then, look at the extra things you bought. The next month, instead of splurging, set the money aside in a bank or savings account. You’ll be surprised how fast the savings add up!
Card or Cash: Which is Better for Your Bank?
Save Bonus Earnings
This applies mainly to the US, but another great way to save money is by using your “extra” pay cheques. Most people have two months out of the year that they will receive an extra pay check. These cheques are usually between five and seven months apart. Use this extra pay check to build up your savings account. When you get money back from the government, like tax returns for example, put that away too. Anytime that you have extra money that is not needed for your monthly obligations, stash the money away and let it work for you by gaining interest.
Invest It 
Once you have some money set aside, you may want to get to a bank or online company to discuss setting up some sort of investment plan. There are many ways to invest, so explore your options to find the one that will give you the most on your return. Remember, don’t let anyone convince you to invest in a high risk asset unless you are convinced that it will provide a return. Even then, you always want to keep enough around that you can easily access. Some financial strategists believe that people should have at least 6 months worth of monthly payments set aside in a savings account. This could be a daunting number, especially if you are living from pay cheque to pay cheque. If you take your time and do things right, you will be able to get that money faster than you realised. Some other great ways to save money are by reducing your unsecured debts as soon as possible.
Dealing with Debt 
Credit card debt is running rampant through much of the United Kingdom and the world. It’s important to get your debt under control as soon as possible.You could be throwing away hundreds of dollars each month in interest on your bills so it’s urgent to get aid right away. You may want to consider a debt consolidation loan if you have a large amount of debt. This loan will help you to reduce your monthly interest payments to creditors, and it will give you only one payment to make each month. This allows you to pay it off faster. Then once the loan is paid off, you will have lots of extra money each month for your savings account. You may be able to do a debt consolidation on your own by using the introductory rates that many credit card companies offer. If you can get a low rate on balance transfers, you could save thousands in interest while paying off the loan yourself. You need to make very wise spending decisions before doing this type of transaction, or you could end up in more debt and have less in savings.
It’s absolutely necessary to start saving money to prevent the worries and hassles that come with life. Credit counseling agencies can help you to maximise your money, so don’t be afraid to seek help when you’re not sure about the next step. With a little time and patience, you will be able to begin saving money each month without too much difficulty.

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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