“I Want To Break Free” From Debt

Living under the dark cloud of debt can be a challenging one. Perhaps you have finally decided that enough is enough and you want to break free from those debt shackles. Here are six  ways you can free yourself from debt, and as a result have more “money, money, money” in the bank. 
Get Auditing
You need to do this properly and that means looking at your accounts and giving them a thorough auditing. Work out how much debt you owe first of all. Then look at how much you need to budget for living costs and see what you are left with. The money you are left with can be put towards paying those debts off quicker. However. you also need to be looking for ways of saving money to put towards those debts. Are there any areas where you could save money? Any luxuries that you could cut back on? Make those cutbacks and you will be paying those debts off quicker. 
debt free
Make A Plan
We always need to make a plan if we are to succeed. Work out a plan for paying those debts off and set up a payment schedule. This is now your plan to refer to in the future. It will keep you on track and it will ensure that you paying those debts off quickly. 
Ask For Help
Sometimes when we stop burying our head in the sand, we realize that we need help with our debts. That’s okay, the most important step is that you have recognized this and you are now doing something about it. You can turn to family and friends for emotional support. If you want some financial advice then you could go to a debt relief website like debtreliefprogram.co and they will be able to offer you some help. You could also speak to your bank manager.. 
Record All Of Your Outgoings
From now on you want to record all of your outgoings. Set up a notebook, or use a diary for this purpose. Keep all of your receipts, and your credit card bills and bank statements. At the end of each month you need to spend the month cross referencing everything. This will ensure that there is nothing untoward on your bank statement. It will also mean that you can keep a track of everything and it will keep you focussed on clearing your debts. 
Could You Bring In An Extra Income? 
If you are serious about paying those debts off quickly, you could look into additional ways of bringing an income in. Perhaps you could set up your own Esty store, or perhaps you have items that you no longer need, you could sell these on Ebay or Gumtree. If you have some spare time on a weekend you could offer your services as a dog walker. Get creative and think of different ways that you could earn some extra money. Remember every little bit helps. 
Don’t Get Distracted
Make sure that you stay on track. Remind yourself of why you are doing this. Tell yourself what the bigger picture is and how amazing it will feel to live debt free. You can do it. Good Luck! 

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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