Cheap ways to freeze rising heating costs

The start of 2013 has seen some of the coldest weather in recent times across the UK. The unseasonable cold weather showed persistence throughout March leading to the coldest month of March for over 50 years in the UK.
The severe conditions have caused disruption to millions with many wondering if spring will ever arrive.
Although the weather in the UK is renowned for its unpredictability, the start of 2013 has caused many to be caught ‘cold footed’ with transport networks being crippled and energy bills for gas and electricity soaring. Homeowners will rightfully feel short changed by the constantly rising cost of energy and heating. Such consistent upward surges in energy costs have resulted in many households around the UK becoming affected by what is called ‘fuel poverty’, a term that suggests people can no longer afford to keep their homes warm.
Cheap ways to freeze rising heating costs
Despite the recent rises in temperatures, which are more than welcomed, thousands are still struggling to make ends meet. Although keeping warm is a necessity, cheaper alternatives to do so are almost imperative for those who are most vulnerable.
On a positive note, I think we are now safe to say that the winter of 2012/13 is far behind us, however…every year the cold winter months see households up and down the country increasing their usage of gas and electric in an attempt to keep warm. With many of us counting our pennies the anticipation and dread associated with the arrival of the latest bills is enough to scare and prevent homeowners from turning up the thermostat again in future.
With this ‘dread’ foremost in our minds frugal heating alternatives are being adopted throughout the country in an attempt to reduce the monthly expenditure spent on heating. After thorough research and personal experience I have selected a few tips that could keep you warm for less in future.
Here is a selection of the best cheap ways to freeze rising heating costs…
  • Compare the market and always seek for the best deal. Although this sounds quite obvious many people stay with the same supplier because it’s ‘easy’ and ‘less hassle’. The market is full of competition and customers can take advantage of switching deals every six months to a year. If you are not located to a mainline gas supply use cheap local heating oil suppliers. 
  • Invest in double glazing and exclude any drafts to ensure heat is kept within the property. Heat that escapes is wasted money! 
  • Put on a second jumper! Wearing an extra layer when inside the home is a simple but an effective approach to keeping warm. 
Do you have a south facing property? If so make the most of it by allowing as much sunlight into the home during the day. In the evening keep curtains and blinds closed to maintain as much heat as possible. 

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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