The Ultimate Finance Cheat Sheet For The Busy Person

The term ‘finances’ can cover a lot of areas, and you can spend a long time researching into each one individually. However, for those of us with busy lives, what is sometimes the most useful is just a nugget or two of helpful information in each area that can improve our financial lot. With this in mind read on for the top advice in each of the major personal financial sectors. 
personal finance
Frugality is something that each and everyone one of us can practice more in our lives. The reason being that living frugally can help us conserve our finances and not spend unnecessarily. 
There are many ways of practicing being frugal in life too. One is to implement the 10-day rule. This where instead of buying things as soon as we see them, we make a note of what we saw and how much it was and to think about it for a full week and a half. 
Surprisingly, many people find that after the initial thrill of seeing an appealing item has passed they are actually not that bothered about making the purchase. Something that means waiting is the right choice because it can stop you from buying things you don’t need and wasting your hard earned money. 
Dealing with credit right is vital for the busy person in today’s society. This is because you credit choices can hugely affect your financial well being overall. That means you need to spend at least some time researching the best loan and card offers with the best interest rates to ensure that you aren’t paying over the odds. 
This is particularly pertinent to folks with lower credit scores, because they may find it hard to access credit without being charged a lot of interest. Luckily, there are some ways around this including secured credit cards. Something you can get some more in-depth information by clicking the link. Remember with just a little quick research you can reduce your financial costs significantly. 
For most of us, mortgages are the largest debt that we owe. That means a change in this area can affect the rest of our finances a lot. With this in mind, it’s vital that you ensure that your repayment choices are sensible ones that mean you are paying less in the long run. 
Keeping your mortgage payments manageable is vital to your overall finances. 
Yes, to do this used to take up a lot of time and effort. However, now with online banking and support, it is often easy to compare changes and make extra repayments on your mortgage without all the hassle of taking a day off work and making an appointment at your bank. 
Although, before you pay any extra off be sure you know you banks policy on early repayment and whether you will be charged an additional fee for this or not. 
Budgets are one of the simplest ways to keep an eye on your finances. However, some folks will argue that they are too busy to keep one and end up overspending each month. This is ridiculous, however, because if you are spending more than is coming in you will end up in debt. 
Also, you work hours of your life to receive pay, but you can probably save more than you would earn in the time it takes to come up with and check on your budget regularly throughout the month. Especially if you make it as easy as possible. 
One way to do this is to construct a very simple automated spreadsheet that works out exactly what you have left, every time you enter an outgoing cost. 
There are even straightforward budgeting apps available that show you spending visually and that you can set limits on so you know when you are getting close to your budget. Something that makes it just that little bit harder to go over no matter how busy you are. 
Lastly, many folks believe that they are too busy to look into the possibility of investing their money. They think that such things are for those that have endless hours to devote to learning the tactics of day trading or all about the markets. 
However, this is no longer the case. The reason for this is that you can now use apps that automatically save up any money inside of a dollar on each purchase you make, and that will invest this for you. You can even choose whether to invest in high, medium or, low-risk portfolios. Something that allows you maximum control, with very little time or effort used up at all.

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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