Car Insurance No-Nos : My Agent Is…?

You don’t know your car insurance agent? If this is the case, we have some work to do. Follow along for more information and tips on this topic.
The Old Days of Comparing Car Insurance
When you compare car insurance, the insurance agent can be a pivotal part of the process. Combining their advice with online comparison websites and other good resources, you can increase your understanding of your choices for a car insurance policy.
Car Insurance
During the buying process, you might have spoken to an insurance agent who closed the sale. There you probably asked some questions and got to know that agent a little. Perhaps that person is the best contact for any questions, concerns, and claims that you need to make on your policy, or perhaps you were given contact information for another agent who would deal with your after-sales customer service. Now, fast forward to today. Do you know this person any better than you did when you first bought your car insurance? Do you know who your car insurance agent is at all? Do you know his or her first and last name? When’s the last time you spoke to your insurance agent?
If you don’t know your agent very well and it’s been a while since you have had a conversation, it might be time to re-establish the relationship.
Connect to Your Insurance Agent
The solution is simple: get to know your insurance agent. It isn’t that difficult, and the rewards are many :
  • You have an access point to car insurance information. For some people, online helpdesks or support systems are a little unnerving; this way you have a live human contact.
  • You can check facts with them. If you don’t fully understand your policy, you can get that taken care of. You might have a few questions from time to time about specific situations such as road trips, extra drivers, adjusting your excess and so on; your insurance agent should be happy to help you.
  • You can start a claim with a simple call. They can guide you through the whole process and answer any questions, as well as provide you with updates on its status.
  • You can get help to optimise your policy. Call every once in a while to see if you are missing out on any deals that may help to lower your premium. Talk to your agent about possibly raising your deductible to reduce your car insurance rates. Whatever is on your mind, your agent can discuss it with you.
Don’t be afraid to give your insurance agent a call. By having a relationship with him or her, you have someone that can help you maintain your satisfaction with your policy. If you aren’t happy with your policy and/or rates, hopefully the agent can do something to improve the situation.
Not sure whether you have an agent? Call your insurance company directly and ask if there is a representative in your local area, or a designated agent handling your account. The insurer can help you to determine who you can contact with questions and ask for clarification of your policy. Don’t miss out on the benefits of knowing your insurance agent.

Denny Jones

Hey there, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial writer with over a decade of experience. I'm passionate about simplifying finance and empowering readers to achieve financial freedom. My articles offer practical advice and insights to help you navigate investing, budgeting, and personal finance with confidence. Let's unlock your financial potential together!

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